So here are some things to consider when choosing a teacher or tutor:
1. Goals. What exactly do you want to get out of these lessons? Remember, that a teacher cannot replace you, he or she cannot take over a parent's responsibility. A teacher-tutor can partner with you to raise your child, influencing, inspiring, bringing resources to both you and your child, but it's on you. What I mean is that dad and mom are the most important and influential people in the life of their child, they need to embrace that role with their whole hearts and minds. A child needs both, dad and mom, to raise him or her, so make that a priority no matter what kind of lessons-tutoring you are looking for. Tutoring-private lessons are not quick fixes, they are another form of investment in your child's education.
2. Time. A lot of people rush to just find someone quickly. This usually leads to a loss of time, money and not much grown in the child. It's a loose-loose situation. Be patient and you will win in the end.
3. Looking. You can contact universities in your area, look online for academies or centers that offer these services. These places may have the kind of teaching that will beneficial to your child. Another place to consider is online lessons. It's new, but it can be done.
4. Interviewing. Ask the potential teacher for a meet-and-greet so that you find out more about him or her.
- Credentials. Where did they go to school? Do they have video samples of their teaching? Why do they teach lessons? You are looking for someone that has some training, but that does not guarantee anything. You will want to hear them play for you or if it is math, to show you some of their work. Also ask about video clips of them teaching. Ask them to sit in on a lesson to see how they teach. You are looking for training and results.
- Administrative. Ask about make-ups, lateness, what if they cancel or they are late?
- Scheduling. What time and day of the week will you meet? How long are the lessons? why?
- Teaching approach. What material-methods do they use? What goals the teacher has for students? How do they handle discipline? What expectations do they have of parents?
Now it's your turn: What has helped you find a good teacher to work with you and your child?
Copyright © 2013 Mircea & Daniyela Ionescu. All rights reserved.
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